Hans H. Diebner's Teaching Activities

Summer semester 2021:
Tutor within the scope of "Evidence-based Medicine and Epidemiology" (QB1), headed by Nina Timmesfeld, Dept. of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Winter semester 2015/2016:
Tutor for the compulsory module "Principles and methods of the medical research" of the Master Course "Public Health" (3rd Semester).

Winter semester 2015/2016:
Lecturer on behalf of the Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry for the elective module "Computer and Medical Science" within the scope of the Master Course "Public Health" (3rd Semester) with a focus on "Theoretical Epidemiology", TU Dresden, Medical Faculty.

Summer semesters 2004, 2007-2011:
Lectureship in "Qualitative Systems Sciences", a seminar within the scope of the Master's course Environmental Systems Sciences at the KF-University of Graz, Austria. Focus of the seminars: nonlinear dynamics, modelling and simulation of complex systems, network dynamics and last but not least critical discussion of the "cybernation" of our environment.

July 5-17, 2010 / July 4-16, 2011:
Lecturer within the scope of "EU Intensive Programme Sustainable Utilization of Renewable Resources - II/III" (summer school) . Organised by NAWI Graz - CePoL, KF-University of Graz.

Winter semester 2009/2010:
Lectureship at the University of the Arts, Berne, Switzerland, within the scope of the "Toolbox" lectures of the Institute Y-Institute for Transdisciplinarity. Toolbox: Physics for Artists (of all branches). In charge: Hans Diebner (physicist, systems theoretician, Frankfurt), and Tabea Lurk. Dates: Mon.-Thu. 9.-12.11.2009, 9.00-12.00, 13.00-17.00.
Abstract (in German only, sorry for that!): In der Medienkunst wird zunehmend "physical modelling" benutzt. Kann aber jenseits von virtuellen Seifenblasen, die ein Interakteur platzen und erklingen lässt, ein Erkenntnisbeitrag geleistet werden, ohne künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Ideen zu verwässern? Künstlerische Formate liefern ein Reflexionspotential. Aber kann es sich auch in der Physik entfalten, die eine Trutzburg der Objektivität darstellt? Konzepte der Physik und ihrer Logik werden anhand künstlerischer Beispiele diskutiert. Vor allem die Interaktivität schafft eine Aufhebung der strikten Trennung von Subjekt und Objekt. Man erreicht eine Verknüpfung von Kunst und Physik als Endophysik: Forscher, Künstler, Rezipienten werden konstituierende Teile des physikalischen Modells. Tools für dieses Unternehmen werden vorgestellt.

Winter semester 2008/2009:
Visiting Professorship at the University of Berne, Switzerland, within the scope of a Master's course in "Didactics of Art and Design" operated by the Institute for Educational Sciences. I was committed with Module 16 "Media - Art - Net". Focus of the module was the relationship between cybernetics and participative media art. The module has been co-organized by Inge Hinterwalder. Also Tabea Lurk participated in the course.

12 June to 6 July 2007:
Seminar on "Art & Science" (togehter with Andres Burbano) at the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia within the scope of a visiting professorship:
Entre el Arte y la Ciencia | o: ciencia performativa || Between arts and science | or: performative science || CBU - Departamento de Arte, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades Universidad de los Andes

Summer semester 2005:
Performative Science. A seminar organized at the Academy for Art and Design, Karlsruhe, within the scope of a visiting professorship. Ten two-hour sessions have been held, whereby the half of the sessions have been enriched by lectures by external speakers as well as by members of the Institute for Basic Research at the ZKM, Karlsruhe. Start of the course was 6th June 2005.

Winter semester 2003/2004:
Sonification. A seminar at the Academy for Art and Design, Karlsruhe, organised by Hans H. Diebner and Paul Modler. Further contributions by Florian Dombois (Berne), Florian Grond (ZKM), Frank Halbig (HfG), Thilo Hinterberger (Tübingen), Adolf Mathias (ZKM).

June 2002 - February 2003:
Organisation of the three-weekly seminar Philosophy and natural sciences at the ZKM, Karlsruhe, using Internet live-streaming. Co-organizer was Nils Röller who published the book "Ahabs Steuer (Ahab's governmentality)" with the results of that seminar, published by Merve Verlag, Berlin.

Winter semester 2000/2001:
Komplexität: Theorie, Experiment, Simulation (Complexity, Experiment, Simulation). An inter-disciplinary series of lectures at the ZKM, Karlsruhe, under cooperation by studium generale of the University of Karlsruhe. The collection of lectures is available under the title "Studium generale zur Komplexität", published by Genista-Verlag, Tübingen.

Summer semester 1998:
Lecture in "Bio-mathematics for Medical Students" at the University of Tübingen, Germany.

Summer semester 1997 through summer semester 1999:
Tutorial for the course in "Bio-mathematics for Medical Students" at the University of Tübingen, Germany.

Summer semester 1997 through summer semester 1999:
Co-Organisation of the seminar of the "Workgroup Epidemiology" at the Institute for Medical Biometry, University of Tübingen, Germany.