Hans H. Diebner's Lectures, Conferences, Workshops, Festivals

20 - 21 September 2019
Mathematical reflections on the multifacetedness of T-cell clonal competition. Presented in International Symposium on T cells and T-cell lymphomas, Essen, Deutschland.
02 - 05 September 2018
Theoriegetriebene mathematische Modelle als Grundlage statistischer Regressionen. Presented in the 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS)." Osnabrück, Germany.
18 - 21 June 2016
Mathematical Model for Oncogenesis Control in Mature T-Cell Populations. Presented in the XXI. Wilsede Meeting 2016: "Modern Trends in Human Leukemia and Cancer." Wilsede, Germany.
01 - 02 April 2016
Individual Cell-Based Mathematical Modelling of Post-Thymic TCR-(s)pMHC interactions. Presented in CONTROL-T: International Conference on "Mature T-cell lymphomas - molecular pathology, modeling of cellular dynamics, and therapeutic approaches." Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
21 - 25 September 2015
Oncogenesis Control in Mature T-Cell Populations Through Competitive Exclusion. Paper presented in the workshop "Cancer Evolution through Space and Time" at the Max Planck Institute in Plön.
08 - 10 Juli 2015
Performative Science - An Art-Science Synergy and Discourse. Poster presentation within the scope of the symposium "Complexity and Synergetics" in Hannover.
17 - 19 June 2015
An Evolutionary Stability Perspective on Oncogenesis Control in Mature T-Cell Populations. Poster presentation within the scope of the workshop on "Stochastic Single-Cell Dynamics in Immunology - Experimental and Theoretical Approaches" in Amsterdam.
11 - 12 September 2014
An Evolutionary Stability Perspective on Oncogenesis Control in Mature T-Cell Populations. Lecture within the scope of the "Second CONTROL-T retreat" hold at the Schloss Eckberg in Dresden, Germany, from September 11th to September 12th 2014. Once more the research group will join together, to report about project-associated progressions and share fruitful discussions in the field of mature T-cell lymphoma.
03 - 06 July 2014
System biological simulations as sociological boundary objects. Paper and panel discussions within the scope of the symposium Revolving Stars, Shaky Grounds: Konstellationen unsicheren Wissens in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technik, Festspielhaus Hellerau Dresden, Forum / Workshops / Exhibitions
04 December 2013
Performative Wissenschaft (Performative Science, in German language). Lecture within the scope of F.A.S.T - Framing Art Science Technology. Framing Art-Science-Technology is a pilot project designed as a field trial for a postgraduate education. I aims at an interconnection of artistic, scientific and technological research. Aktsaal HfBK Dresden, Brühlsche Terrasse 1, Dresden.
09 October 2007 - May 2013
Co-organisation and moderation of the monthly scientific discourse evening "unplugged heads" at the Institute for New Media, Frankfurt upon Main. Scope of the lecture series is the discourse of topics from art, science, technology and economics in the context of new media, like interactive media art, interface design, web2.0 strategies, information ethics and more.
31 January - 02 February 2013
Roman Signer - Heideggers neuer Kronzeuge? Paper presented in "Variations of Arts and Sciences. Aspects of a relationship beyond Nature and Technology", Erbacher Hof, Mainz.
15 September 2012
Chaos. Die Kunst, komplex zu denken (Chaos. The art of complex thinking). Lecture within the scope of: Chaos! Komplexität in Kunst und Wissenschaft (Complexity in Art and Science). Exhibition. Conferences. Dialogues. Organised by ERES Foundation, München, from 11 September - 15 Dezember 2012.
25 - 26 October 2012
Keynote "From Chaos Theory to Performative Science - A (Self-)Critical Reflexion" and participation in the workshop "Performativity and Scientific Practice", Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst.
06 September 2012
art meets science: panel discussion within the scope of Punkt.Systeme, an exhibition at Wilhelm-Hack-Museum Ludwigshafen.
22 June 2012
Auf dem Sprung zur Performativen Wissenschaft - Über Frühlingsgefühle in der Forschung (On the spring into Performative Science - Spring fever in science). Lecture in "brink event between art and science", Wuppertal.
10 April 2012
Performative Science - What is it authentically? Lecture within the scope of unplugged heads 2.0, a monthly discourse series at the INM-Institute for New Media, Frankfurt upon Main.
08 November 2011
Universal or Random? Complexity Research Beyond Traditional Disciplines. Public Lecture, Schering Stiftung, Berlin. With the lecture and the exhibition IRRATIONAL COMPUTING, the Ernst Schering Foundation supports the dialogue between contemporary art and science.
12 April 2011
New Media make (also) Sense. Organisation of and participation in the panel discussion on sense and non-sense, possibilities and impossibilities of modern information technologies and new media in the HMWK-Hessian Ministry for Science and Art, within the scope of the exhibition "New Media make Sense - Context INM: Performative Science and Vireality", curated by H.H. Diebner and M. Klein (INM), within the scope of the Forum Science and Art of the HMWK-Hessian Ministry for Science and Art.
09 October 2010
Verdinglichung. Lecture within the scope of the exhibition "Das DING - Object and/or Individual" in the project space G.A.S - station in Berlin.
27-29 August 2010
Systems Theory as Touchstone for Hermeneutics and Arts in Science. Paper presented in the International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (ISHS) Conference on Hermeneutics & Science: Worlds, Realities and Life, 27-29 August 2010, in Vienna, Austria at Sigmund Freud University.
09 July 2010
Non-Linear Dynamics. Session on 09 July 2010, within the scope of the "Intensive Programme Sustainable Utilization of Renewable Resources - II" July 5-17, 2010. Organised by NAWI Graz - CePoL, KF-University of Graz.
24 March 2010
"Daß ich eins und doppelt bin ...". Zur schwierigen Liaison von Kunst und Wissenschaft. ("That I am both One and Twain ...". On the difficult liaison of art and science.) Lecture, 24 March 2010, Institute for Art History at the KF-University of Graz, Austria.
08 November 2008
Die Büchse der Pandora? Risiken und Chancen interdisziplinärer Perspektiven. Presented in: Gegenwelten. Momente der Wahrnehmung zwischen Differenz und Reflexion. (Counter-worlds. Moments of perception between difference and reflexion). A Symposium within the scope of the festival dance 08. Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Contemporary Music Theatre (SaM) of the Performative Studies at LMU München. Organized by: Jürgen Schläder and Franziska Weber. Further contributors: Katja Schneider, Chris Ziegler, Jörg von Brincken, Hans H. Diebner.
07 May 2008
Your Brain on Art: Probing Neuroaesthetics. Symposium, Duke University Durham, NC, Wednesday, May 7, 2008. With David Freedberg, Bill Seaman, Jesse Prinz, Hans Diebner, Barbara Maria Stafford. Organized by Tim Lenoir and Priscilla Wald.
10 April 2008
On the Paradox of Capturing Contingency by System Theory's Flirt with Art - On performative science. Lecture in the Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana, Slovenia on 10 April 2008.
04-06 April 2008
Reality as Design Problem - On the Relation of Aesthetics, Economics, and Ethics. Semiotic Symposium Spring 2008 at the Hochschule Mannheim.
08-10 November 2007
Cultural Evolution and the Internet. Paper präsentiert auf der Konferenz "Mutamorphosis - Challenging Arts and Sciences", Prague, 8th - 10th of November 2007.
24-26 October 2007
I hoch 4, (I to the fourth). Research conference, FAMe, University of Frankfurt.
20-21 July 2007
Data Ecologies Workshop. Organised by Time's Up, Linz, July 20-21, 2007. Data Ecologies is a symposium series investigating the connections between data systems, processes, physical systems as well as constructed and natural ecologies. This year's meeting investigates the problems of model building, complexity, communication and interaction. How do we see what we see, how do we build systems that seamlessly integrate with natural systems, what is the mathematics of reality, what is complexity at all?
07 March 2007
Über das nicht ganz einfache Verhältnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft. Einzelvortrag an der Kunstuniversität Linz, Fachbereich raum & designstrategien.

Grenzüberschreitung: Auflösung oder Neuerfindung? (TRANSGRESIÓN: ¿DISIPACIÓN O REINVENCIÓN?). Ein transdisziplinärer Dialog. CCCB, Barcelona, November 23, 2006. Within the scope of "NOW": "NOW is a working platform that will take place at the CCCB from 2006 to 2009. The project reflects on the present on the basis of the scientific, technological, artistic, social and spiritual transformations taking place at the start of the 21st century - because today it is no longer possible to explain art and culture without interiorizing scientific concepts and working with a systemic view of the world."

Performative Science and Beyond - Involving the Process in Research. Einzelvortrag, zum Erscheinen des gleichnahmigen Buches, ZKM Karlsruhe, 08.10.2006

The Museum as Laboratory: A Performative Approach to Complex Systems Research. Paper presented in the workshop "Computational Models of Creativity in the Arts", London, Goldsmiths College, 16 to 17 May 2006.

Dasein's edge on its description - System Theory and Hermeneutics. Lecture in the "ICTs in the Contemporary World seminar" at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Information Systems, 22 February 2006.

... denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun - Über Differentialgleichungen und Bayes-Algorithmen. Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Maschinen denken", veranstaltet von Dr. Nils Röller, Studienbereich Neue Medien, Hochschule für Gestaltung, Zürich, 3. Februar 2006.

Dasein's Edge on its Description. Paper presented in "Technisierung/Ästhetisierung - Technological and Aesthetic (Trans)Formations of Society", Darmstadt Technical University, October 12-14, 2005.

Künstlergespräch. Panel discussion within the scope of "Einstein on the Beach". An opera on time. Berlin Juli 24 - August 5, 2005. Discussion July 25, 2005. Inszenierung und Gesamtleitung: Berthold Schneider. Musikalische Leitung: Ari Benjamin Meyers. Raumkonzept und Gesamtleitung: Veronika Witte.

Performative Science. A seminar in the summer term 2005 hold at the Academy for Design, Karlsruhe, within the scope of a visiting professorship. In total 10 two-hour sessions have been held. Beginning: June 06, 2005.

Fundamental Interfaciology: Indistinguishability and Time's arrow. Paper (together with Ichiro Tsuda) presented in the "Third Conference on the Foundations of Information Science." Organizer: Michel Petitjean. Paris, 4-7 July 2005.

Performative Wissenschaft - Unerforschlich Falsches? Lecture within the scope of "Reality Show. Vom Wissen, Meinen und Erzählen." An exhibition, March 12 - May 22, 2005, in the Forum Schlossplatz, Aarau. May 12, 2005.

Bilder sind komplexe Systeme und deren Interpretationen noch viel komplexer: Über die Verwandtschaft von Hermeneutik und Systemtheorie. Paper presented in the symposium The Picture's Image. Wissenschaftliche Visualisierung als Komposit. ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe. May 7-8, 2005.

"Open Nature". Exhibition and Symposium. NTT Intercommunication Center, Tokyo, 28 April 2005 - 3 July 2005. Lecture on "Performative Science" and subsequent panel discussion on May 1, 2005. Panelists: OHSAWA Masachi (Sociology/ Kyoto University), GUNJI Pegio-Yukio (Theoretical Life Science / Kobe University), Hans DIEBNER (Endo-physics / ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany), Marko PELJHAN ("open nature" artist / Projekt Atol)

On the role of arts and hermeneutics in complex systems research (II). Lecture hold in the "Complex Systems Seminar", Hokkaido University, Department of Mathematics, February 21, 2005. On the role of arts and hermeneutics in complex systems research (I). Lecture hold in the "Complex Systems Seminar", Hokkaido University, Department of Mathematics, February 9, 2005.

Performative Wissenschaft und operationale Hermeneutik. Lecture hold in the Graduiertenkolleg "Bild-Körper-Medium. Eine anthropologische Perspektive", HfG Karlsruhe, October 29, 2004.

Antizipationsbasierte Strategien in soziologischen Simulationen. Paper presented in the symposium Selbstorganisation in den Sozial- und Organisations- Wissenschaften. 12. Herbstakademie. Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena. Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften. October 4-6, 2004. Organisation: Ewald Johannes Brunner and Timo Meynhardt.

Performative Science: Bridging the Gap Between the Cultures. Paper presented in "Arte Scienza." I segni della civiltà tra espressione artistica, comunicazione e tecnologia Roma. September 18-25, 2004.

Performative Science. Together with Inge Hinterwaldner. Paper presented in the international symposium Conversation: Enacting New Synergies In Arts And Sciences. 3rd SLS European Conference, Paris. June 23-26, 2004.

Präsentation der laufenden Projekte des ZKM | Institut für Grundlagenforschung in einem Projektzelt auf dem Karlsruher Schlossplatz im Rahmen des Karlsuher Stadtgeburtstages. 18.-20. Juni 2004.

Operationale Hermeneutik. Lecture and subsequent panel discussion in the Symposium "Days of Future Past" in the Kunsthaus Graz, organized by Medienturm Graz, 22nd May 2004.

Erkenntnis durch sinnliche Darstellung komplexer Systeme (Insight through sensory representations of complex systems). Lecture and subsequent panel discussion together with Wolfgang Desch, Günther Ossimitz und Robert Höldrich. Moderation: Christian Lapp. KF-Universität Graz, Zentrum für Weiterbildung. Organizer: AbsolventInnenverein Umweltsystemwissenschaften. May 18, 2004.

Quantitative Systemwissenschaften III: Populationsdynamik und Interventionsstrategien. Study course (in German) environmental systems sciences within the scope of a visiting professorship at the KF-Universität Graz. Summer term 2004.

Operational hermeneutics and interface design. Lecture in the Studium generale of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd. April 21, 2004.

Sonifikation. Seminar an der Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe. Organisiert von Hans H. Diebner und Paul Modler. Weitere Mitwirkende: Florian Dombois (Bern), Florian Grond (ZKM), Frank Halbig (HfG), Thilo Hinterberger (Tübingen), Adolf Mathias (Karlsruhe). WS 2003/2004.

A model on how brains model the world. Paper presented in the 11th Herbstakademie, Ascona October 18-21, 2003: Dynamical Systems In Cognitive Science.

Indistinguishability. Paper presented in the symposium Space Time Physics, Transfinite Mathematics and Computer Art. October 11, 2003.

Experimentelle Ästhetik. Ein Vortragsabend zur Neuroästhetik mit Anette Rohr, Hans Diebner und Adolf Mathias am ZKM, Karlsruhe, 17. September 2003.

La complejidad en la ciencia y las investigaciones. Lecture at the CCPNA, Arequipa, Peru, July 25, 2003, 19:30hr.

Performative Science. Workshop at the I.E.S. Thomas Jefferson, Arequipa, Peru, July 25, 2003.

Sistemas no Lineales Y la Teoria del Caos. Lecture at ICPNA, Cusco, Peru, Julio 17, 2003.

7. Festival de videoarte, Lima, Peru. Conferencias y Exposiciones: Exposiciones July 10-26, 2003; Martes 15 de Julio 2003, Conferencia de Hans Diebner (Alemania) "Performative Science", Lugar: Goethe Institut, Lima.

Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Complexity. Hold at the Goethe Institut, Lima, July 15, 2003.

Ciencia Performativa. Lecture at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, July 14, 2003.

Performative Science and Operational Hermeneutics. Lecture at the Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, July 11, 2003.

Hierarchies of Communication. An inter-institutional and international symposium on aspects of communication on different scales and levels organized by Center for Art and Media (ZKM) Karlsruhe, Germany and Future University - Hakodate (FUN) Hakodate, Japan. Venue: Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, July 4-6, 2003. My own paper presentation: Operational Hermeneutics and Communication (pdf).

Performative Science. Lecture hold in the HGKZ - Salon Digital lecture cycle in the "Kunstraum Walcheturm" in Zürich, June 5, 2003.

Performative Science. Paper presented in the Symposium "Networked Living Spaces" organized by the FH Salzburg, MultiMediaArt, March 24-27, 2003.

A time-continuous cognitive system. Paper presented in the symposium "Vision and the Brain" - Autumn Festival, Budapest, Mucsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest, October 19-20, 2002.

Stimulus meets Simulus: A complementary cognitive system. Lecture at the Future University - Hakodate, Japan. September 24, 2002.

A second order cybernetics approach to the epistemological discourse. Lecture at the University of Kobe, Japan. Graduate School of Science and Technology. September 19, 2002.

Feier zum dritten Geburtstag des ZKM | Institut für Grundlagenforschung. Es wurde eine Auswahl an Installationen zur "performativen Wissenschaft" sowie weitere Informationen zum ZKM | Institut für Grundlagenforschung präsentiert. Mit Gastvorträgen von Dr. Florian Dombois und Prof. Hans-Dieter Huber. ZKM_Medientheater, 11. Juli 2002.

Complementarity, the interface, and goal-directed perception and action. Lecture in the international conference "per->SON - Tuning and Measurement", Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln, April 18-20, 2002.

A cognitive system capable to simulate. Paper presented in the "Ciclo de Invierno de Ciencia y Tecnología", Centro Cultural Conde Duque, within the scope of the Exhibition "Cibervision". Organizer: Foro Complutense. Fundación General de la UCM y Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Primera Tenencia de Alcaldía Flujos neuronales, motricidad y robots neuroinspirados Dirección: D. Manuel G. Velarde. Instituto Pluridisciplinar. March 14-15, 2002.

Adaptive Kognitionssysteme zur Dynamikerkundung. Vortrag am Institut für Physik der Universität Chemnitz, 18. Dezember 2001.

Adaptive Kognitionssysteme für Dynamikerkennung. Vortrag im "Fachbereich für Physik der Universität Oldenburg", 12. Dezember 2001.

Beobachterabhängigkeit in den Naturwissenschaften: Ideen zur Konstruktion einer "hermeneutischen Maschine". Vortrag in der Kunstakademie Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main, 2001

Adaptive cognitive systems. Lecture at the University of Kobe, Japan. October 12, 2000.

Dynamics in multi-component Hamiltonian systems and its connection to observation processes. Lecture at the "Applied Mathematics and Complex Systems Research Group, Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo", October 10, 2000, Japan.

Basic Research @ ZKM: The Institute's profile. Lecture at the Future University - Hakodate, Japan. October 6, 2000.

Zwischen Entropie und Entelechie. Vortrag im Seminar zur Theoretischen Chemie, Universität Tübingen. 3. Juli 2000.

Komplexität: Theorie, Experiment, Simulation. Eine interdisziplinäre Vorlesungsreihe am ZKM. Es ist die Sammlung der Beiträge Studium generale zur Komplexität im Genista-Verlag erschienen. Wintersemester 2000/2001.

Sciences of the Interface. An international symposium on the occasion of Otto Rössler's 60th birthday. Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, May 18-21, 2000. Organized by Hans H. Diebner, Timothy Druckrey, and Peter Weibel. Proceedings are available. My own conference contribution: On the role of the micro-macro transition and control processes for understanding the interface.

Das Prinzip des Maximalen Nichtwissens. Ein Vortag von Hans H. Diebner, ZKM, 21. März 2000.

Schnittstellentechnologie und Mikrorelativität. Vortrag im Seminar zur Theoretischen Chemie, Universität Tübingen. 13. Dezember 1999.

Mikrorelativität und Interface-Technologien. Ein Vortrag von Hans H. Diebner, ZKM, 26. Oktober 1999.