Hans H. Diebner's Research
Systems Biology, Medical Biometry, Immuno-Epidemiological Modelling and Analyses, as well as Modelling of Simple and Structured (Demographic) Populations
Since 1st August 2020 I am modelling at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum at the Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (AMIB). In 2020 and 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic with its numerous facets is a dominant research topic within the Timmesfeld lab at the AMIB, too. Due to my longstanding expertise in dynamical modelling, it seems natural to engage in combining statistical and mathematical modelling in a synergistic way.From 1st August 2013 to 31st March 2020 I have been Senior Scientist at the IMB-Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry at the University of Dresden focusing on medical biometry and computational biology. Specifically, I have been member of the DFG-research consortium CONTROL-T (Consortium for TCR-mediated Regulation and Oncogenesis in Lymphomas of T cells). The leading question of this project was, what are the mechanisms underlying leukaemogenesis and the conditions for the expansion of leukaemia/lymphoma. I will soon report in more detail on my research activities, particularly with respect to modelling T-cell genesis and dynamics. In addition, I have been committed with statistical consulting for all types of medical research projects at the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden.
During my postdoctoral time (1995-1999) at the Department of Medical Biometry in Tübingen the Plasmodium falciparum parasite (Malaria tropica) bothered me most intensively. I contributed with my research within the EU concerted action "Mathematical Models of the Immunological and Clinical Epidemiology of Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria". Additionally, I contributed in several statistical-biometrical and immuno-epidemiological research projects. Part of my commitment at the institute has been consulting in statistics within the scope of medical research projects of the University of Tübingen. Thanks to all fellows of the IMB in Tübingen, including Louis Molineaux, for the amazing time there.
Since autumn 2018, epidemiology again shifted into the focus of my research activities. That is to say, I am dealing with questions concerning the mechansims of antibiotics multi-resistances and viable administrations' strategies to avoid them. Apart from the epidemic dynamics, analyses of heterogenities of both antibiotics consumption as well as prevalences of resistant pathogens play a crucial role. It is expected that cyclic permutations in the administration of antibiotics can considerably reduce prevalences of resistances. However, the concrete processes are still unidentified. Publications and a research proposal are in preparation.
The submenu to the left leads to partially interactive illustrations of models out of these research projects.