Hans H. Diebner's Research

Nonlinear Systems and Chaos

After serious doubts in the beginning of chaos research with respect to its "scientificality" until the 1990s this research area now, undoubtlessly, substantially contributes to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of complex phenomena, in particular of living systems. Chaos research left its tarnished reputation to only produce mathematical beauty behind it.

If your browser supports webGL, please choose from the menu to the left a couple of illustrative simulations out of the field of chaos research and complex systems.

Rössler-AttraktorAn icon of chaos research is the Rössler attractor here depicted as rapid-prototyping form produced by Florian Grond. This chaotic attractor is named after my doctoral supervisor Otto E. Rössler who lives and works in Tübingen. An excellent introduction into chaos can be found at scholarpedia.org.

The so-called Lyapunov exponents are essential characteristics to describe the stability of dissipative systems ...

One of the most important applications of chaos research is chaos control and synchronisation ...
Rapid-prototyping sculptur of the Rössler attractor by Florian Grond